Customer Value
Filtration technology is playing a more important role in the industry process. The advanced and efficient filtration technology rapidly leads to the long-term profitable return of investment in many aspects. For instance, filtration can purify the liquid, improve the final product quality, protect the key equipment, reduce the high-cost malfunction risk, save expensive maintenance cost, prevent equipments from scaling or wearing, reduce energy consumption, improve efficiency, recycle water resource and save the expensive cost of waste environment treatment. It is widely acknowledged that the advanced and reliable filtration technology greatly improves the process and operation efficiency.
However, customers experience some problems as following: the new filter failure because of wrong selection, low flowrate capacity and tough work of cleaning and replacement, design flaws resulting in short service life of filter elements or filter systems, unstable filtration performance resulting in product quality fluctuation, slow response and poor capability in analyzing and solving the problems, even without any after-sales service, poor design and manufacturing standard resulting in the potential safety risk, products are exposed and polluted when being filtered, high loss of valuable liquid when cleaning and replacing the filter element, poor filter housing material and serious corrosion...
How to avoid the possible loss and risks as above? The key is selecting the professional filtration partner.
LIVIC has copious filtration engineering experience in many industries and has the ability to provide the powerful filtration support. We are pleased to be your long-term filtration partner. LIVIC filtration technology team has copious filtration experience and case data in many industries, works according to the standard and rigorous filtration consultant service process, provides the professional and scientific technology support and the filtration solution. Starting from investigating customers’ service conditions and investment consideration, we analyze the filtration characteristics of the fluid, select the filtration process, provide the filtration pilot service, offer the final large-scale filtration solution and turn customers’ filtration requirement into the feasible and efficient filtration system. LIVIC’s technology helps customers obtain the profitable return of filtration investment and avoid the investment risk.